Strawberry Fields, Stapleford
Designed at Life3a
Strawberry fields is a low rise IRC development in a rural setting for Rangeford Villages. A key principle during the design process was to develop a central green as a focal point for the community. Various character areas were proposed and important connections to the local village and an adjacent large countryside park were integrated into the masterplan.
Joe led the project whilst at Life3a, Anne-Maire and Chris were part of the team during the design phases.
Client: Rangeford Villages
Role: Architect (Stage 0-4) CMT Stage 5
Developer/Operator: Rangeford Villages
Local Authority: South Cambs
Status: RIBA Stage 5 - On site with Bennett Contractor (Life3A retained as CMT architect)
GIA: 17,825m2
Description: 147 later living homes surrounding a central green at the heart of the masterplan. This proposed retirement village is complimented by a suite of shared amenity spaces.